With milk cans becoming an integral part of the dairy farming, manufacturers have started designing different types of milk cans. They vary in shape, quality, and are also manufactured using different types of materials. But when it comes to quality and popularity, lockable aluminium milk cans are the ones which are high in demand these days. Though there are many dairy farmers who still choose other milk cans over the aluminium milk cans as they are unaware of the benefits of these. To help dairy farmers understand its benefits, we are sharing a few reasons in this blog which states the difference between lockable aluminium milk cans and ordinary milk cans.
Aluminium metal is better in comparison to other metals
Earlier, milk can manufacturers used a wide variety of metals for manufacturing these cans including plastic, stainless steel, galvanized steel, and a few more. But when it comes to offering durability, aluminium metal is so far considered the best. It is light in weight which makes it convenient for one to carry them. Also, it offers proper resistivity to corrosion making it suitable to carry milk without worrying about rust. Though stainless steel milk cans are also used in many areas, but when considering the comfort in carrying milk cans to long distance places, lockable aluminium milk cans is the best choice.
In-built lock offers more safety and security
When carrying milk cans to long distances, there is always a risk of milk spillage or lids getting open on the way. It makes dairy farmers bear loss when the milk spills or when the milk gets contaminated due to open lid. It also leads to theft of milk when the milk cans are left unattended for long. But lockable aluminium milk cans offer safety from all these problems, as they do not let the lid get open in between due to the availability of lock on them. The presence of lock on milk cans also prevent the tampering of milk cans and helps save milk from getting contaminated. This lets dairy farmers easily deliver milk to long distance places without worrying about spillage or theft of milk.
Suitable for maintaining proper insulation
Milk cans with no locks often face the problem of milk getting spoiled due to poor maintenance of the right temperature. This mostly happens with milk cans which have loose lid or do not have proper lids on them. But on the other hand, lockable aluminium milk cans are helpful in maintaining proper insulation and do not let the outside heat get transferred into the milk cans and spoil the milk. These milk cans are properly locked which ensures that lids are on place and right temperature is maintained inside the milk can for storing milk.
Aluminium milk cans are easy to clean
Milk cans require proper cleaning to maintain proper hygiene for storing milk. There are different milk cans which are not easy to clean in one go and still smell like milk even after washing them properly. However, it is not the case with aluminium milk cans and that is why dairy farmers prefer choosing these over other milk cans. Unlike other materials, aluminium milk cans are non-porous which allows reduces the chance of bacteria development in these milk cans. This is considered beneficial as it helps in maintaining the quality of milk and does not spoil its taste or texture.
If you are also planning to choose milk cans for your dairy farming business, it is time you know which one to choose and which not to. To help you all with the same, we have shared some specific differences in between lockable aluminium milk cans and other milk cans. We at Bimal India, being one of the prominent aluminium milk can manufacturers offer lockable aluminium milk cans of different capacities and premium quality to support dairy farmers with the best milk cans.